Thursday, November 08, 2012

A significant role for Democrats for Educational Reform

Democrats for Educational Reform.
Gloria Romero -- The former Senate leader  remains bitter from her loss in the Supt. of Public Instruction race two years ago. Formerly favored by labor, a member of CFA. Her harsh videos and ads against Prop 32 joined with others in the anti union effort. She actively campaigned for Prop.38, the anti teacher union effort on school funding.  Prop. 38 – the Munger Inititative- was qualified and funded substantially to take resources and votes away from the effort to fund education in Prop.30.  She lost.
Former California State Senator Gloria Romero is the State Director of Democrats for Education Reform. 

The anti union nature of Democrats for Education Reform  were also demonstrated by Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson.  He is the Chair of the Obama Administration’s Mayors Committee on Education and husband of Michelle Rhee, former Chancellor of Washington D.C. schools.   As far as I can tell he remained silent on the effort to pass Prop.30 to fund California Schools. He certainly was not silent in the 2008 election. 
 On the other hand.  DSA Chair Dolores Huerta was an active pro-union voice for No on Prop.32 and Yes on Proposition 30. She made videos and ads and spoke at rallies with  the campaigns.
We need to be precise.  The folks who claim to be reformers, such as Democrats for Education Reform, often do not work to improve the school opportunities of students. They are not reformers- they just claim to be. 
In my view it is valuable to know who are your allies, your opponents, and those critics who drain campaign energy. 

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